Next on the agenda is a new website. The old one has sat there, mainly acting as a repository for odds and ends, for about five years now. This is partly because I designed it myself from scratch as an experiment to see what I could do with css, and as I have become busier and busier, I never did get to tidying it up and making it easy to update.
So when I had new things to add, it was easier just to stuff them in wherever I felt they fit than to rewrite the code and make it all plug and play. Whatever the excuses, if I want to market this book (and possibly the other one which has been ‘under consideration’ with a local publisher for a number of years now; I reckon I could do that myself now as well) I need a website which people will want to visit, and which offers some kind of experience other than “my word, that’s busy”. I also have this blog now for odds and ends, so the website needs to become more of a marketing tool.
So I took a deep breath, bought a template, and have been hacking it about for most of this week. I reckon the big relaunch could well happen over the weekend, given that there is once again no soccer game on Sunday. I realise this also means remembering how to hack the template of this blog as well, to make it all look seamless – just add that to the list; I’m not busy otherwise!
Watch this space…
What do you mean, displacement activity while I wait for my beta readers to finish reading?