I’m 7500 words into draft 2, and…
And I’ve maybe reused about 200 from draft 1. Fixing up the structure has changed the story so dramatically that I’m basically starting from scratch. After an initial moment or two of despondency (“you mean I’m going to have to write it all out again?”), I’m actually really happy with the way it’s going. All that foreshadowing I was going to have to bodge in to the start because the ending has changed is now seamlessly in place. Also, I’m doing some intriguing things with tense and voice which I think are going to work – and won’t be too hard to fix if they don’t work.
Not worrying about detail, just blasting through getting it all down on paper again. Then, I’ll start the second second draft (it makes sense to me)
Anyway, your sneak preview consists of one line:
“Dr. Goldman introduced David to the idea of being worried, and he thinks he understands it – it is what happens to him when he does not know what will happen in the future.”
What – me worry?